The Role of Carbohydrates in Bodybuilding

Mike Mentzer Eating Cake

In the ever-evolving world of bodybuilding, dietary trends and strategies have undergone significant transformations over the years. Decades ago, the rise of low-carbohydrate diets paralleled the emergence of steroids in the bodybuilding scene. This led to an intriguing theory that bodybuilders might have inadvertently used steroids to counteract the diuretic effects of their low-carb diets. The idea was simple: by retaining water through steroids, they could still achieve the coveted pump during workouts despite the lack of carbohydrates.


The Carbohydrate Conundrum:

Carbohydrates have long been recognized as a crucial component for muscle building and maintenance. Whether you're aiming to pack on mass or shed body fat while preserving muscle, the role of carbohydrates in your diet is undeniable. For those looking to build mass, a substantial intake of carbohydrates is necessary—approximately 60 percent of daily calorie requirements. On the flip side, when the goal is fat loss while maintaining muscle, sugar becomes a key player in the diet. Surprisingly, as long as you are on a reduced-calorie diet, you can consume a considerable amount of carbohydrates and still achieve a ripped physique.



Challenging Norms with Sugar:

The notion of eating pure table sugar to achieve a ripped physique might seem counterintuitive, but some bodybuilders have pushed the limits of conventional dietary wisdom. The argument is that as long as you maintain a caloric deficit, the source of your carbohydrates becomes less critical. In fact, some bodybuilders, including the legendary Mohamed Makkawy, have experimented with diets that consist of an exceptionally high percentage of carbohydrates.


Tom Platz's Carbohydrate-Loaded Journey:

A striking example of defying traditional dietary norms is Tom Platz, who showcased an outstanding physique at a Mr. Olympia competition. Platz, with an astonishing body fat percentage of around 2 percent, consumed a staggering 400 grams of carbohydrates daily in the final days leading up to the contest. Despite the high carbohydrate intake, Platz engaged in rigorous aerobic activities, creating a calorie deficit that contributed to his remarkable conditioning.



The relationship between carbohydrates and achieving a ripped physique in bodybuilding is complex and often defies conventional wisdom. While the importance of carbohydrates for muscle building and maintenance is well-established, the source and quantity of these carbohydrates can vary based on individual goals. Theories and practices, such as using steroids to offset the effects of low-carb diets or consuming high amounts of pure sugar to achieve a shredded physique, challenge traditional norms but underscore the dynamic nature of bodybuilding nutrition. As always, it's crucial for individuals to approach such dietary experiments with caution and consult with professionals to ensure a balanced and sustainable approach to achieving their fitness goals.
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High Intensity Training Program


We realized that we only have so much energy to spare before we have to recharge our batteries.

We only have so much time to spend in the gym due to work, family, friends and responsibilities.

Knowing that time and energy are limited resources, it only makes sense to make the most of them, right?

That’s exactly what High Intensity Training does.

It is designed to reach the point where the maximum muscle growth can occur without ‘spilling over’ and wasting precious energy.

Energy that could be used to aid the recovery process.

That way each workout is short, intense.

Our High Intensity Training can be summed up thusly:

Low Volume

Heavy Weight

Adequate recovery

Train to Muscle Failure

This High Intensity Training is low volume but pushes your muscles to the absolute limit and beyond..

Start Training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can beginners follow Mike Mentzer’s HIT?

Yes, but beginners should focus on proper form and technique before training to failure. Once confident in their form, they can progressively add intensity to their workouts.

How long should a HIT workout last?

HIT workouts are short by design. A typical session can last anywhere from 30–45 minutes, depending on how quickly you move between exercises.

What happens if I don’t fully recover between workouts?

Inadequate recovery can lead to overtraining, which may result in decreased performance, muscle loss, and an increased risk of injury. Always prioritize recovery to ensure long-term progress.